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Web Entwicklung

Projects – Web Development

Web Development ProjectsWork Portfolio for Web Development

All web portals are designed and developed based on the specific requirements of the client. We work with global clients, so our web programmers are well equipped with knowledge of different industries and web development of multilingual web portals.

Hotel Buchung Website Entwicklungsunternehmen
Marktplatzentwicklung fur Diagnosezentren

Web development of Marketplace development for diagnostic centres

Entwicklung von Magento E Commerce Websites fur Wohnaccessoires

Magento e-commerce website development for home accessories

Entwicklung des Recruiting Webportals

Development of the recruiting web portal

Webentwicklung Agentur Berlin, Magdeburg, Frankfurt, München, Deutschland

Web development of a portal for event location finder in Germany, Switzerland, Europe

Service Booking Marketplace Website Entwicklung fur Deutschland

Service Booking Marketplace website development for Germany

B2B Webportal fur Lebensmittellieferungen

B2B web portal for food deliveries

Gesundheitsmedizinisches Webportal 1

Portal of Health Medicines & their usage

Web development of an online matchmaking portal for German and Russian citizens

Entwicklung von WordPress Websites fur Unternehmen

WordPress website development for business

Magento e-commerce website development for custom doormats

Online Marktplatz fur diagnostische Labortests

Online marketplace for diagnostic laboratory tests

Entwicklung von benutzerdefinierten Webanwendungen

Custom web application development (Online Lottery System)